Microsoft Access by design was not designed to be used for such large size storage of data or to keep a large number of records. By default, there is a 2GB maximum file size on a mdb file, and a 32768 maximum number of objects that can be stored in it. If you are thinking of having 100,000 records in a ms access database, I would recommend against it.
Here are some more interesting statistics for your information:
Attribute - Maximum
Number of characters in a table name: 64
Number of characters in a field name: 64
Number of fields in a table: 255
Number of open tables: 2048 - Actual max is less, since access opens some by default
Table size: 1 gigabyte
Number of characters in a Text field: 255
Number of characters in a Memo field: 65,535 when entering data through user interface; 1 gigabyte when entering data programmatically.
Size of an OLE Object field: 1 gigabyte
Number of indexes in a table: 32
Number of fields in an index: 10
Number of characters in a validation message: 255
Number of characters in a validation rule: 2048
Number of characters in a table or field description: 255
Number of characters in a record (excluding Memo and OLE Object fields): 2000
Number of characters in a field property setting: 255
7 years ago
1 comment:
is this a subtle comment on my project? u could have told me to my face... maybe u did... so, what do u suggest for my database of around 200,000 records?
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