Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Starcraft Multiplayer VPN Setup

Here I am assuming that
i) Starcraft is installed in your computer.
ii)IPX is installed.

First, install a VPN software first. Here I am using Hamachi. It seems that the latest version does not work with starcraft. I have to use Hamachi version -

Note: Enable all the services. Disable the firewall. Don't update!

After that just play Starcraft as you normally do. If you encounter the problem of cannot join network, try this:

Goto Network connections and properties of the lan
card that your using to N/W. Goto IPX/SPX properties
and assign locator numbers. eg 000001 on computer
one, 000002 on the second.............. This resolves
the issue of cannot join network.

1 comment:

Owen Choo said...

Good... you should post this tutorial earlier!