Remember my last post about the slow internet?
Well... Found out the reason from limkitsiang's blog. Here is the reason taken from it.
We strongly believe this is mainly due to the damage to TM Net’s
international link to North America via Asia Pacific. The international link named by TM Net in an announcement on 24 February 2009 is APCN2. According to their statement, “TM expects the complete recover of its services by 5 March 2009.”
We also understand that not all streamyx users are affected equally. Those with IP address starting with 118, 115 and 124 are affected severely while those with IP address starting with 60 experience almost no interruption. To check what IP address you are on, visit
You may get around the APNC2 problem by directing the traffic via Europe. To do this, you will have to use a proxy server located in Europe. We recommend the proxy in Britain listed at the following website :
Please note, using the proxy recommended below will not allow you to login to the blog to comment due to limitation of free service.
To set proxy on Firefox in Windows;
1.Click Tools, Options
2.Click Advanced, Network, Settings
3.Click Manual proxy configuration:
4.Key in for HTTP Proxy: and 3128 for Port:
5.Click Ok and you are done.
To set proxy on Internet Explorer 7:
1.Click on Tools, Internet Options
2.Click on Connections, LAN settings
3.Check the Proxy server option
4.Key in for Address: and 3128 for Port:
5.Click Ok and Ok again and you are done.
A note : Please do not use open proxy to login to any online banking website or paypal or equivalent website.
Oh ya... Forgot to mention that we can apply for discount/rebate if our connection have problem. But we must report the problem to the call centre. Only after they have the report number you can get the rebate/discount.
7 years ago
Why TM didn't acknowledge its users at the first place?!!
Dunno la.. You have to ask lor.
Can get rebate.. Look at my updated post.
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